GIS Mapping & Modelling Portfolio

These recently produced maps by BioGeo are selected to show a range of cartographic styles and modelling outputs.

Wildlife Corridors Poster300dpi.png

Scenic Rim Wildlife Corridor

This map was created to support the Wildlife Preservation Society (Scenic Rim Branch) in depicting their ambitious wildlife corridor project.


Usable Solar Radiation for Central Brisbane

A representation of the average annual usable energy for rooftops in Brisbane’s CBD (in megawatt-hours per square metre) with orange and red colours indicate higher-yielding locations.

Three-dimensional data was used to calculate the elevation, slope, and aspect of each roof space in order to estimate annual energy yields.


Vintage Style Atlas Map

This vintage-themed atlas map was developed for illustration purposes. It was produced by overlaying multiple layers along with experimenting with the symbology.


MaxEnt Model Outputs - Predicting Habitat Suitability

These maps portray the outputs from maximum entropy (MaxEnt) models. The upper map represents habitat suitability scores for the greater glider and the lower map for the feather-tailed glider.

The models themselves were generated using the R statistical program with the resultant rasters imported into a GIS for styling and symbology.


Three Dimensional View of Central Brisbane

A three-dimensional map of Brisbane’s CBD with globe-style inset.


Target Species Observations -Scenic Rim

This map was generated to highlight a way of illustrating the abundance and distribution of species using bin grid cells. The charts below the maps provide the temporal distribution of data.


Suitability Modelling - Sub Models

This map represents a range of sub-models that individually identify desirable areas for brush-tailed rock wallabies based on their habitat requirements (e.g., remnant vegetation, habitat type, terrain roughness index - a surrogate for rockiness and availability of predator refugia, aspect – brush-tails typically occupy sites with a northerly aspect, distances from a watercourse, and previously recorded sightings).


Suitability Modelling - Brush Tailed Rock Wallaby

This map represents the final model from a weighted overlay analysis to determine levels of habitat suitability for brush-tailed rock-wallabies.


Distribution of gliders across Queensland

This figure was generated for a report summarising the distribution of gliders in Queensland (multiple species) using hex bin cells.


Dawson River - Study Area

This map was created to support the Wildlife Preservation Society in depicting a study area for a research project.


Suitability Modelling - Sub Models

This map represents sub-models that individually identify desirable areas for a specific species for reintroduction into the wild.


Horizontal distribution of major macrozooplankton species in the south-west Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean.

Data are means of results from stations lying within each 2° by 5 ° grid cell.


Web mapping application to support a wildlife corridor conservation project

The program we developed is a full-screen mobile-friendly application with a responsive navbar and modal placeholders using Bootstrap 3, Leaflet, and typeahead.js, and builds on the excellent Bootleaf code. Features include client-side multi-layer search with autocomplete and a responsive sidebar synced to the map bounds that can be sorted or filtered.